Tattoo Remover instructions


Removal of tattoos and permanent make up

The Purebeau Tattoo Remover is based on organic food acid which, when incorporated, stimulates the open skin (lymph flow) and can lead to slight bleeding in some areas. This flow dissolves and washes out the paint to be removed as soon as the solution is introduced. As a rule, depending on the size of the area to be removed, we take our 1T, 3T, 3TO or the respective modules and set the device to a speed of 120 – 150 hearts.


1. the surface must be thoroughly cleaned with a skin disinfectant.
2. apply the remover generously to the desired area using a microbrush or Q-tip.
3 Now lightly work in the solution with the device.
4 If necessary, lightly dab the area with Octenisept, sodium chloride or colloidal silver (25-40 ppm).
5 Repeat, allow to soak in briefly and apply the solution a second time with the device.
6. allow the solution to soak in for about 10 minutes and dab a little more if necessary.

Finally, only the outer sides are lightly cleaned. The rest remains on the treated area. The Tattoo Remover continues to work and binds as much color as possible to the encrustation.
After encrustation, we use Tattoo Remover After Care Soft, which is based on aloe vera extract and keeps the hard encrustation smooth. After about 4-5 days, the crust falls off and the skin may still be slightly reddish, while it takes up to 6 weeks to heal. We can then repeat the process as required. It is important to allow the crust to heal normally and not to let it dry out too much, otherwise it may break open and cause scarring or infection.


If the area oozes a little on the 2nd day, you recommend Tyrosur powder, which customers can obtain from the pharmacy. Do not use the remover on/around the eye area.


In any case, have the medical history form/customer information sheet filled out and signed. Show any before/after photos you may have.


Purebeau Tattoo Remover Mode of action:



